Jörg Lüsebrink

Jörg Lüsebrink

Geschäftsführender Gesellschafter at Francis Drake
Hamburg, Germany

About me

Jörg Lüsebrink, more than 12 years of experience in national and international agencies, including AmmiratiPurisLintas, Springer & Jacoby International, Scholz & Friends, D’Arcy, Young & Rubicam, Grabarz & Partner and Leagas Delaney, as a consultant and new business expert.

Many years of experience as a pitch consultant. Well-established expert in the area of agency screening for industry-wide and interdisciplinary searches for and selection of suitable communications partners for companies putting out advertising.

Jörg Lüsebrinks, very strong connections throughout the communications industry ensures an excellent overview of public events and those behind the scenes. His customers therefore often receive key agency information well before it appears in trade publications, which they sincerely appreciate as this is a truly unique selling point. In 2013, he founded the consulting company FRANCIS DRAKE together with Christian Niemeyer.

  • German - Native
  • English - Basic
  • Spanish - Basic


Geschäftsführender Gesellschafter
Hamburg, Germany
Jörg Lüsebrink, has worked in the agency and communications industry for over 14 years. After training as a wholesale and export specialist and completing a parallel night school course in marketing and communications management at the Hanseatic Academy of Marketing and Media (HAMM), he gained extensive experience at various reputable German and international owner-managed and network agencies including Ammirati Puris Lintas, Springer & Jacoby International, Scholz & Friends, D’Arcy, Young & Rubicam, Grabarz & Partner and Leagas Delaney. 


Groß- und Außenhandelskaufmann

Marketing- Kommunikationswirt (H.A.M.M.)

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