Contact Information

Padualaan 99 3584 CH PO Box 8611 3503 RP
Phone: +31 30 21 93 412

Basic Info

Hogeschool Utrecht

Padualaan 99 3584 CH PO Box 8611 3503 RP
Phone: +31 30 21 93 412

Hogeschool Utrecht Team Members

Luc Van Dijk

Luc Van Dijk

Online marketing Teacher and international graduation coordinator

Luc van Dijk (1989) is the owner of AeronAdvies, which is independent SME marketing consultancy agency with roots in Hattem the Netherlands. AeronAdvies excels when it comes to online marketing, innovation and social impact. Luc loves to work in an inspiring environment while working independently at the same time. He learns quickly and is being a valued member of any team. His specialties are: social media marketing, marketing communication and public relations and hands on support for any project. Luc holds a master degree in Communication Sciences (MSc), with a focus on effects of user generated content on brand-value. Besides working for AeronAdvies, Luc teaches online marketing courses at HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht and Windesheim University of applied sciences. Luc also coordinates an international graduation course with students and supervisors around the world. Besides that he has been a councilor for the city of Hattem since 2014.