Contact Information

United Kingdom

Michelle  Stapleton

Michelle Stapleton

Phone: 07515754425

Carly Stone

Carly Stone

Phone: +447989423528

Pippa Bhatt

Pippa Bhatt

Phone: +44(0)7968213448

Basic Info

Founded in: 2013

Creative Work: 13

Clients: 29

Founded in: 2013

Creative Work: 13

Clients: 29

Madam Films

United Kingdom
Michelle  Stapleton

Michelle Stapleton

Phone: 07515754425

Carly Stone

Carly Stone

Phone: +447989423528

Pippa Bhatt

Pippa Bhatt

Phone: +44(0)7968213448


Working through OVIDEO production company, part of Mediapro Group, our latest production was at locations across an in-bloom Battersea Park and Westminster in Springtime London. With a one week turnaround Madam provided a 72 strong crew and two cameras for the one-day shoot. Working with a Spanish team consisting of renowned director Jaume Balaguero, DP Pablo Rossi and 1st AD Luca Vacchi, communication across two languages was paramount for a smooth running production that required multiple moves across the locations, accommodation of an on-location stills shoot and the last minute addition of BTS.
Another Madam production we are immensely proud of! 

See full nuews here