Contact Information

2nd Floor, Rue Defacqz 78
Bruxelles 1060
Phone: +32 (0)2 740 07 14

Basic Info

Founded in: 1959

Founded in: 1959

European Association of Communications Agencies

2nd Floor, Rue Defacqz 78
Bruxelles 1060
Phone: +32 (0)2 740 07 14

IMC European Awards 2018 open for entries!

Press Release

Call for Entries open for the 2018 IMC European Awards


Brussels, 2 May 2018: The European Association of Communications Agencies (EACA) and the Integrated Marketing Communications Council of Europe (IMCC) have announced the call for entries for the 2018 IMC European Awards for Integrated Marketing Communications.

The IMC European Awards are open to national award winners of the 8 member countries of IMCC: Belgium, Czech Republic, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom. Entries from the Netherlands are also eligible to enter the Awards as the jury chair, Renate Vogt, Owner of Friends4You, represents the country as Chair of the international jury.

A diverse range of categories are offered to keep the awards relevant to the evolving marketing communications landscape. A full list of categories and category definitions are available here.

The Awards are managed by the EACA, with the assistance of the Integrated Marketing Communications Council of Europe and with the support of WARC and Adforum. The call for entries for the 2018 IMC European Awards runs from 2 May to 6 July.  Finalists will be announced in September on the dedicated IMCC website

Entries will be judged online by a panel of approximately 60 European senior industry representatives. Judging will take place from 23 July to 3 September, 2018.

Click here to register for the IMC European Awards 2018.

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For further information, please contact:

Kasia Gluszak

Communications & Events Manager

Tel.: +32 2 740 07 14



Notes to Editors

About the IMCC

The aim of the IMCC is to act as a central source of information for the industry and to assist in the development of the reputation and professionalism of the industry across Europe by focusing on four key areas:  best practice, lobbying, recognition by way of a reputable Awards competition, the IMC European Awards and education through the IMCC International Diploma. IMCC members belong to the national associations in 8 European countries: Belgium, Czech Republic, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Spain and United Kingdom. For more information, visit

About EACA

European Association of Communications Agencies (EACA) is a Brussels-based organisation which represents full-service advertising and media agencies and agency associations in Europe. EACA promotes honest, effective advertising, high professional standards, and awareness of the contribution of advertising in a free market economy and encourages close co-operation between agencies, advertisers and media in European advertising bodies. For more information, click here. Find us on Facebook, Twitter & LinkedIn.